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Courage Unleashed


A Salesperson’s Quest for Success

He sat at his desk, staring at the phone. With a sales script queued up on the screen mocking him and his heart pounding, he whispered to himself, “It’s not combat action, it’s just sales calls… sales calls.” He took a deep breath, trying to drown out the negative noise in his head.

“Let’s go, Dill,” he said to himself, his voice barely audible.

“Sponetics Consulting Group, how may I direct your call?” a receptionist answered.

Dillon paused, his mind wandering. He had served two 15-month tours in combat, an experienced war veteran. He had survived cramped quarters, 120-degree heat, and endless raids. He’d seen the unimaginable, returned in one piece, and fought to start another career…

“Hello, how may I direct your call?”

“Hi, this is Dillon Brownston from Source Marketing. I… I wanted to talk to you about our services,” he began, voice trembling slightly.

The conversation that followed was choppy and awkward. Dillon stumbled over his words. The receptionist forwarded his call to a number in the sales department. No one answered. He hung up the phone, his confidence waning.

Dillon slumped back in his chair, frustration gnawing at him. He had been struggling with closing sales calls for weeks now, and it seemed like no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t break the code.

“What are you afraid of,” he thought to himself. He had studied every script, memorized all the data on companies that clearly needed his firm’s help. Head in his hand, he let out a long sigh. His phone rang and startled him. It was his sales manager. She wanted to see him in her office.

“Hi Kathleen, you wanted to see me?”

“Hi Dillon, yes come in, close the door behind you.”

With his mind racing, he felt his heart sink. He knew that supervisors would sometimes listen to sales calls to provide feedback.

“How are things going, Dillon?”

“Okay, of course they could be better,” he said somewhat unenthusiastically.

“Yeah. I know that sales can be difficult for most people regardless of prior experience.”

Kathleen Davidson was an Army veteran with over 20 years’ experience in sales. She had developed a reputation for being tough but fair.

“You’ve got to find a connection between the client’s immediate needs and the services that our firm offers. Put yourself in their shoes. Most businesses need two things: to save time or save money. Our job is to help them figure out how we can help.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said.

“I believe in you Dillon. I look forward to watching your growth with us. HOOAH”

“Thanks Kathleen, I really appreciate your vote of confidence.”

He turned and slowly walked out the door.  

Later that day, Dillon found himself lost in thought, pondering his next move. Kathleen had expressed to him in no uncertain terms that he needed to get his act together. Her words rang in his ear… “save time or save money”. How does his firm help their clients save time and money?

All of a sudden, a thought struck him like a bolt of lightning. He had been analyzing sales calls all wrong. It wasn’t about pushing product or service; it wasn’t about memorizing data, it was about building genuine relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and offering real value.

Armed with this newfound perspective, Dillon jumped headfirst into research. He found periodicals and books about building business relationships and active listening. With a renewed sense of determination, he felt excited to get to work.

“Hello, this is Dillon from Core Marketing. How are you today?” Dillon greeted the next client with a warm smile in his voice. Things didn’t pan out for him at Source Marketing; however, the experience he gained there was invaluable.

The conversation that followed was different this time. Dillon listened intently to the client’s concerns, placing emphasis on their challenges and offering genuine solutions tailored to their needs. He took the time to engage in meaningful dialogue and steer the conversation in terms of saving time and money.

“I really appreciate your insights, Dillon. You’ve given me a lot to think about,” one company owner remarked at the end of the call.

As the days turned into weeks, Dillon’s new approach to sales calls began to bear fruit. Clients responded positively to his new approach, and referrals started pouring in. Dillon’s confidence grew with each successful call, and his fear of rejection slowly faded.

“I never thought of it that way before. Thank you, Dillon. You’ve been a huge help,” another client said, gratitude evident in her voice.

As the months passed, Dillon’s reputation as a trusted advisor in the industry began to spread. His quiet confidence and introspective nature had transformed into strengths, enabling him to make genuine connections with clients and colleagues alike. His hard work and perseverance eventually paid off with a promotion to sales manager and a private office.

Looking back on his journey, Dillon couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the timid navy veteran who had once struggled to close a single sales call.

Dillon’s story serves as an example of the power of perseverance, self-discovery, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence. Success is not measured by the number of deals closed but by the relationships built, the lives touched, and the impact made in the lives of others.