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The Awkward Hello: Networking Tips for New Professionals


One of the most effective soft skills that you must get comfortable with is networking. To truly master the art of networking, you need to approach it not as simply networking, but acknowledge how awkward it can be and push past any apprehensions you may have. Try developing an attitude of giving. A giving attitude helps position you as a connector of people and a valuable resource. This can open you up to endless opportunities for you and those around you. Here’s how you can master the art of networking with a generous mindset.

1. Dress to Impress

When you walk into the room, your appearance speaks volumes before you say a word. A relaxed yet polished appearance shows others that you value the event and the people there. It not only boosts your confidence, but it sets the tone for your interactions.

2. Bring professional looking business cards

Whether you have physical cards or digital cards, make sure you have plenty. You can think of cards as an invitation to connect further to others and offer help. Whether it’s providing resources or sharing industry insights, your business card can keep you front of mind with people. Don’t forget to lead with a friendly introduction and a bright smile.

3. A short personal brand statement

Most people view a personal brand statement as something only the people with millions of social media followers need. Everyone has a personal brand. It can be as simple as your name and what you’re mostly known for. For example, you might be the person everyone goes to for help with spreadsheets or setting up Zoom calls. You can say, “Hi, I’m Serena. I’m the one people usually ask for help with spreadsheets.” There. Ice broken. Then let them speak and ask you questions about something that you’re an expert in.

4. Research Attendees

If you know who’s scheduled to attend the event, researching their backgrounds and interests will prepare you to have a more substantive interaction when the opportunity presents itself to introduce yourself to them.

5. Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of effective bridge-building. It involves being fully engaged in the conversation and showing genuine interest. Here are a few ways you can actively listen in conversations:

  • Ask a few open-ended questions: The five Ws, “who-what-where-when-why” questions encourage people to be open about their experiences, goals, and lower their guards a bit.
  • Non-verbal cues: Using body language such as maintaining eye contact, nodding in agreement, and smiling can create rapport with others.
  • Reflect and respond thoughtfully: Summarize key points, ask clarifying questions, and offer relevant insights. People appreciate hearing their points of view in conversation.

By focusing on others and showing that you care about their stories and needs, you create a positive impact that goes beyond the event itself.   

    In conclusion, networking with an attitude of giving more than taking will transform your professional journey. The true power of networking lies in the connections you make and the bridges you build with others. The famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “ You can have anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” Take these tidbits with you along your professional journey and go “wheels up” with success.