“Hey intern, make sure you grab coffee and bagels tomorrow morning, please. And don’t forget the cream cheese this time. Thanks”
“No problem, see you all in the A.M.”
Crap! Jack thought he’d be working on high level projects with senior VPs during his summer internship. But for the past two weeks, it seems like all he’s been doing is making food runs. ‘Hey intern, can you go and grab lunch? Thanks.’ , ‘Hey intern, can you go make copies? Thanks’.
The next morning, rushing to the coffee shop closest to the office, Jack ran inside to grab breakfast. Standing in line, he didn’t notice the person calling his name.
“Jack, hey Jack!”
“Fran? Wow! Great to see you. What are you doing here?” He knew Francis from his hometown, but didn’t know she was in the local area.
“I work here in the city now, with Pointer & Bush LLC, the local architect firm. What are you doing here?”
“I got picked up for an internship at Bern & Sterns.”
“Wow! Bern & Sterns, that’s big league. Congrats.”
“Thanks, but it’s nothing like I imagined. All I do is make runs for everybody.” Jack said with a smirk.
“Really? I had a really productive time when I interned. It was like I was robbing the place.”
“Lucky you. This place is probably nothing like where you interned.”
“Uhh, YEAH! I interned at Bern & Sterns a few years ago.”
Jack looked at Francis surprised.
“Really? I’d like to know what they showed you. I feel like marching right to the office and demand them to show me whatever they showed you.”
“Whoa, Jack. With that approach they’re gonna show you the door. If you have like five minutes, I’ll show you how I approached my time there. Like I said, I left there feeling like I robbed the place.”
Approaching an internship the right way can unlock several hidden gems. Here are a few ways to approach an internship and get the most out of the experience.
Become Immersed in the Company Culture
Every winning organization has its own unique culture. Observe how people interact with each other. Take note of how the senior managers interact with their teams. Are they supportive and positive, or cold and aloof? Seek out colleagues, even managers, and offer to treat them to a cup of coffee. Ask them about their journey in the company. Ask them if there’s anything you can assist with. You’ll likely get a roadmap to help guide your career path.
Stay Proactive
Most successful companies take a structured approach with interns. Take advantage of every job assignment on the schedule. If, after completing assigned tasks, you find yourself with white space in your schedule, seek out ways to add value. For example, if the company relies heavily on paper forms or outdated systems, research and offer ways they can update. Any areas where you can save the company time and or money is golden. Managers always remember people who save them time and money. Pay close attention to any meetings you are allowed to attend. Take notes. Once the meetings are over, don’t be afraid to seek out clarification. Always be inquisitive and ask well researched questions. Remember, everyone does grunt work in the beginning, so be enthusiastic about paying those dues.
Stay Organized
Staying organized is critical to managing daily tasks. The successful companies have systems and norms in place that prioritize efficiency. Take notes during meetings and keep a to-do list of tasks and deadlines. Ensure you meet or exceed deadlines regardless of their depth. This shows the team that you’re willing to work hard and that you respect their time and expertise.
Document your Journey
This is an area where most interns fall short. This is one of the biggest benefits to an internship. Tracking assignments you work along with the outcomes not only helps with your sit downs with the managers, it provides you a blueprint to success on your journey outside the organization.
Dress the Part
Your appearance speaks well before you say a word. You need to find out what the company dress code is. Business dress, business casual, casual Fridays? Make sure you look the part. Invest in quality clothing instead of grabbing clothes on the cheap from the big discount stores. You’ll save money in the long run. A quality suit and several different ties, K BERNARD Classic ties, will add the perfect touch to any wardrobe and ensure you’re ready for the challenge.
Remember, business coaching is a multi-million dollar industry. Every year, companies pay huge sums of money for retreats in hopes that they can provide their teams the tools to be successful. The value that you’ll receive in exchange for spending your college summer is priceless. And all you had to pay was attention. Let that sink in.